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Sponsorship Opportunities 
Become a SWAG Sponsor

April Porter SWAG™ Conference

The SWAGTM Conference is Different...

In the franchising world, franchisees have very limited options for professional development conferences. In fact, most have only one - their brand conference. 

The SWAG™ Conference is designed to provide the content they’ve been craving - the secrets to attaining Sanity, Wealth, and Gratitude™, with solutions to their most pressing challenges, answers to questions they don’t know to ask, and a hands-on implementation workshop to ensure the material converts to action, providing value for years to come. 

And YOU need to be there, because...

An enthusiastic franchisee can onboard more clients for a supplier than the best franchisor. And, if the franchisees are getting great results, the franchisors will listen. 

So don't miss out on the best opportunity to capture the attention of your best audience in a more powerful way than ever before at the SWAGTM Conference 2023.


A New Outlook on Sponsorships

April is in the business of helping owners build business empires. That includes YOU! 

Unlike other conferences, where you are banished to an expo room waiting for someone brave enough to visit you, at the SWAGTM Conference every attendee will be chatting, laughing, and learning with you, building meaningful relationships.

Each sponsor benefit is designed to foster connection so that, before you leave, attendees will know, like, and trust you (assuming you are likeable and trustworthy. :) Who are we kidding? We only work with the best, most likeable suppliers that serve in integrity.)

Seriously though, the goal is that attendees look at you as more than a commodity and weigh your services based on value rather than price, because if they aren't working with you, they need to know how to refer others to you.

To accomplish this level of connection, space is limited, so...

April Porter SWAG™ Conference

Grab your Sponsorship Today if You:

  • Have a solution that helps business owners work smarter, not harder.
  • Desire a meaningful connection with qualified franchisees and franchisors.
  • Would rather spend your time getting to know attendees personally rather than waiting for them to come to you in a booth.
  • Want to be treated as a valued customer rather than pocketbook.
  • Ready to soak up new business growth strategies to apply to your business.
  • Believe that through franchisee success, franchisors and franchise suppliers will build business empires.
  • Are excited to contribute to a new perspective in franchising that empowers franchisees to reach SWAG™.

Meet Our Attendees

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Franchisees with
an investment mindset.

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Multi-Unit Franchisees expanding their business empires.

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Franchisors wanting to
provide resources to franchisees.

Opportunities to Sponsor the SWAG™ Conference are extremely limited.  

Email to receive sponsorship details.
Schedule a call to personalize sponsorship benefits for your company!